I Shall Call Him--Hammerman
I was reading Jaclyn's blog and came across an entry about an animation which she said: "This flash video starts out (well how should I put it?) HORRIBLY! It makes me want to have a seizure."
Of course, being the curious person I am, I wanted to see how horrible it was! I went to watch Walk-Smash-Walk and sure enough, she was right. The beginning was way too flashy and all over the place. Too many contrasting colors being flashed around in a jumpy kind of movement. After only a few seconds of the nauseating hysteria, the animation proceeded to be quite interesting and very well done. The little hammering guy hammered the nails throughout the whole animation and still the plot was interesting.
I liked how the artist used so many different ways of showing the little guy in action. For example, just letting it move across and putting bright colors in the background every time it hit the nail helped to show the power of the little hammerman. Another part showed the little hammerman hammering away and in the background were gears turning in black and white which also helped show that he was a machine that kept on hammering. The creator also used close ups of his feet and the hammer in black (like a shadow) and then a bright color in the back to create different perspectives.
The music that was playing in the background also fit the whole animation. The beat to the music went along with the beat of the hammer that the little guy was slamming. (BTW It would have drove me crazy if it didn't.) Also, the footsteps of the big mean machine later on. I thought it worked well with the animation and provided more background information about the short film.
I also noticed the "bad guy" in the little film had a color scheme that shaped its character. The "bad" machine was much larger (more power) and was grey, red and black (dark evil colors showing anger). Not to mention the skull picture that was on his back (can we say symbolization!). Oh yeah, and the little danger signs proceeding his evil lair. I thought this animation was well thought out and kind of neat. I like its storyline and the animation is great! (besides the beginning hysteria which comes back towards the middle! Take that as a warning!) At first I thought it was a little slow in the beginning when it was showing the little hammerman hitting the nails over and over, but it shows the determination and his robotic way of getting the job done no matter what. Besides, there was so much variety explaining this part that it was quite interesting and sent that message across rather well.
Of course, being the curious person I am, I wanted to see how horrible it was! I went to watch Walk-Smash-Walk and sure enough, she was right. The beginning was way too flashy and all over the place. Too many contrasting colors being flashed around in a jumpy kind of movement. After only a few seconds of the nauseating hysteria, the animation proceeded to be quite interesting and very well done. The little hammering guy hammered the nails throughout the whole animation and still the plot was interesting.
I liked how the artist used so many different ways of showing the little guy in action. For example, just letting it move across and putting bright colors in the background every time it hit the nail helped to show the power of the little hammerman. Another part showed the little hammerman hammering away and in the background were gears turning in black and white which also helped show that he was a machine that kept on hammering. The creator also used close ups of his feet and the hammer in black (like a shadow) and then a bright color in the back to create different perspectives.
The music that was playing in the background also fit the whole animation. The beat to the music went along with the beat of the hammer that the little guy was slamming. (BTW It would have drove me crazy if it didn't.) Also, the footsteps of the big mean machine later on. I thought it worked well with the animation and provided more background information about the short film.
I also noticed the "bad guy" in the little film had a color scheme that shaped its character. The "bad" machine was much larger (more power) and was grey, red and black (dark evil colors showing anger). Not to mention the skull picture that was on his back (can we say symbolization!). Oh yeah, and the little danger signs proceeding his evil lair. I thought this animation was well thought out and kind of neat. I like its storyline and the animation is great! (besides the beginning hysteria which comes back towards the middle! Take that as a warning!) At first I thought it was a little slow in the beginning when it was showing the little hammerman hitting the nails over and over, but it shows the determination and his robotic way of getting the job done no matter what. Besides, there was so much variety explaining this part that it was quite interesting and sent that message across rather well.